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Emergency Dentistry in Bedford, NH

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Braasch Oral Surgery provides emergency dentistry services in Bedford, NH. To make a prompt appointment or inquire about our services, call us at 603-657-1984.

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Not all dental work can wait for a scheduled appointment. If you find yourself in need of emergency oral surgery care, we can help you.

Emergency dentistry involves quick attention to situations that cause pain or endanger oral and overall health. These problems could include lost teeth, facial trauma, and teeth that need immediate extraction.

Procedures Offered

Tooth Extractions

Teeth sometimes need to come out with little notice. Toothaches caused by abscesses cause a great deal of discomfort. Wisdom teeth may also need to come out on an emergency basis.

Facial Trauma

Facial trauma is an oral surgeon's specialty. However, if you have life-threatening symptoms, you should go to the emergency room or call 911 before consulting an oral surgeon.

Loose Tooth

If your adult tooth is loose, call the oral surgeon immediately.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If you knock out a tooth, we may be able to save it if you follow these steps and see us promptly. Within half an hour is best, but don't give up hope if it has been longer than an hour.

Find the tooth, carefully picking it up only by the crown. Never touch the roots. Rinse the tooth gently with water.

Replace the tooth in its socket or carry it inside your cheek. If you can't do this, put it in a cup of milk or saliva. Avoid using water; the root cells are delicate and can't withstand it for long.

The oral surgeon will reseat the tooth in its socket and use a splint to anchor it to its neighbors while the roots reattach.

Why Choose Braasch Oral Surgery?

We offer emergency services on an as-needed basis. We can help you overcome the effects of a traumatic injury or extract a tooth that has suddenly become painful.

Below are instructions for handling minor dental emergencies.

In the case of a toothache...

Gently clean the area around the tooth by rinsing the mouth with warm water and gently flossing to remove any particles that may be lodged in the tissue around the tooth. If the pain continues, or if the area around the affected tooth is warm, please call our office to schedule an appointment.

If a lip, gum, cheek, or tongue gets cut...

Apply ice to help reduce swelling and apply pressure with a clean cloth or sterile gauze to stop any bleeding. If the bleeding continues, call your physician or visit your local emergency room.

If a baby tooth gets knocked out...

Please call our office to schedule an appointment.

If a permanent tooth gets knocked out...

Call our office right away and take these steps.

  1. Do not touch the tooth root, but hold the tooth by the crown and gently rinse the tooth with water.
  2. Place the tooth back into the socket as quickly as possible and bite down on clean gauze to hold it in place.
  3. If the tooth cannot be placed in the socket, put the tooth in a small container of milk or saliva and bring it with you to your appointment.
If a tooth gets chipped or broken...

Gently rinse the area with lukewarm water and place a cold compress on the face to reduce swelling. If you can locate the piece of the broken tooth, place the piece in milk, and bring it with you to the office. If more than half of the tooth is broken off, please call us immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emergency Dentistry

Should I try to put it back in if I lose a tooth?

Yes, if you can get it back in its socket without experiencing pain. Don't push or shove it in. You may be able to bite down on it gently.

What are the symptoms I might experience if my tooth needs extraction?

A severe toothache is the most common sign. You may have a throbbing feeling in your gum or experience swelling or pus along the gumline. The infection could even be life-threatening if it gets out of control. If you experience this type of toothache, don't wait to be seen by a dental professional.

Call Braasch Oral Surgery

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984 to be seen as soon as possible. We can help you resolve your situation and return you to normal activities.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

404 Riverway Place, Building 4 Bedford, NH 03110
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