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Dental Implants in Bedford

Braasch Oral Surgery offers dental implant services in Bedford, NH. To receive more information or make an appointment for a consultation, call our office at 603-657-1984.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are highly advanced replacements for natural teeth. They consist of a small titanium anchor that bonds with the jaw, an abutment, and a crown or denture to complete the restoration.

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants can replace any number of teeth, from one missing tooth to an entire arch.

  • Single-Tooth Dental Implants: One implant anchor replaces one tooth.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: An entire arch of dentures attaches to a set of implants. These dentures may be fixed or removable.

The Dental Implant Process

If your family dentist informs you that you need a tooth extraction, they will refer you to our office. Dr. Daniel Cameron Braasch will evaluate your teeth and oral health during a consultation appointment. He will take 3-D images of your mouth using the CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scanner to plan the surgery.

The implant process takes about 30 to 45 minutes for one tooth and about two hours for multiple teeth. First, the oral surgeon makes a small incision in the gum, preparing the site with special instruments. After placing the implant post, the surgeon will add a "cap" or abutment and close the gum tissue with sutures.

The implant post can often go in simultaneously as the tooth comes out. The post takes two to three months to bond with the jaw and heal. You will take antibiotics during this period to prevent infection. After healing, you will receive a crown from your family dentist to finish the restoration.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Preserve Jawbone Health

When patients lose teeth, the jawbone deteriorates in these areas due to a lack of stimulation from chewing. Jawbone deterioration can lead to a "sunken," aged look. A dental implant provides the same stimulation as a natural tooth, allowing the jawbone to remain strong.

Restore Chewing and Speaking Functions

Many people with removable dentures have problems with certain foods or with their dentures slipping when they speak. Implants eliminate these difficulties. With implants, you will be able to chew and talk normally.

Preserve Tooth Spacing

Losing teeth can lead to orthodontic problems. Missing teeth cause their neighbors to shift, disturbing alignment. Misaligned teeth can become crowded, crossed, and more challenging to keep clean, damaging oral health.

Improve Appearance

Many people who have missing teeth feel embarrassed about their appearance. Replacing missing teeth with attractive implants can boost patients' self-esteem and give them a reason to smile again.

Why Choose Braasch Oral Surgery?

Dr. Braasch and his skilled staff routinely perform dental implant surgeries with excellent results. We offer immediate dental implants, enabling most patients to have a tooth extracted and receive an implant on the same day.

Are You a Good Candidate for Implants?

While most patients can successfully receive dental implants, the best candidates for implants share the following characteristics:

  • Missing or damaged teeth
  • Absence of untreated gum disease
  • Absence of untreated tooth decay
  • Non-smoker or willing to quit
  • Sufficient bone mass in the jaw or ability to receive a bone graft
Single Dental Implant Photo

Implants A-B-C

At Braasch OMS, implant placement can be as easy as your ABCs. When your dentist determines your tooth needs to be extracted, you will be referred to Dr. Braasch to start the process of replacing your tooth.

A – In most cases, Dr. Braasch can extract your tooth and place your implant at the same time.  

B – After 2-3 months Dr. Braasch will verify successful healing of your implant.  Your dentist or Dr. Braasch will then perform a traditional impression or digital intraoral scan.  In as few as 2-3 weeks your crown will be ready!

C – Your dentist will place your crown (“tooth”) onto the implant!

Implant Supported Bridge

Replacing Missing Teeth

There are a variety of methods to replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, including temporary and permanent options. Permanent options can be removable or fixed.


  • Flipper
  • Essix Retainer

Permanent, removable

  • Partial Dentures
  • Full Dentures

Permanent, fixed

  • Bridges
  • Dental Implants
  • Implant Dentures
Implant Support Denture

Implant Supported Denture Options

Though traditional dentures can also replace upper and lower teeth, due to bone loss over time, they often begin to have issues with fit and retention. When dental implants are used, the comfort and function of dentures will be greatly improved, leading to an increased quality of life.

What to Expect When Having a Dental Implant Placed

The procedure to place a dental implant takes 30-45 minutes for a single tooth and under 2 hours for multiple teeth.  The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia (numbing) or sedation (asleep). Dr. Braasch will be able to further discuss which option is best for you based on your planned procedure and medical history.  

The procedure is performed by making a small incision in your gum tissue to access the underlying jawbone.  Special instruments are used to prepare the site for the placement of your implant.  After the implant is placed into the bone, a small healing abutment or “cap” will be placed and the gum tissue will be closed with sutures.  The healing abutment will sit at the level of your gum tissue and remain in place until your dentist places the crown (tooth). 

Now your implant is allowed to heal for 2-3 months to integrate or “fuse” to the bone.  You will be prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infection during the healing period.  Postoperative discomfort is minimal and can easily be managed with medications Dr. Braasch will prescribe to you.

Replacing all your upper or lower teeth

Whether you are already missing your teeth or if your remaining teeth need to be extracted, dental implants can be used to replace your teeth and improve your overall health.

Implant Supported Dentures Graphic

Hybrid Prosthesis

If you need to have your remaining teeth extracted or if you are unhappy with the fit of your denture , then 4-6 implants per arch (upper and lower) can be placed and a fixed, non-removable set of teeth can be made at the same time implants are placed.  This procedure gives you the best way to replace your teeth and is extremely stable and esthetic.

Implant Retained Dentures Graphic

Over Dentures

Dental implants can also be used to help provide stability and retention to traditional dentures. Dr. Braasch can place 2-4 implants and, after a healing period, attachments are placed on the implants that allow your dentures to “clip in.”

 Implant supported over dentures are a very cost effective way to improve the fit and stability of dentures.  This will lead to an increase in confidence when eating and speaking.

Postoperative Care of Implants
Click here for patient instructions

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Why might I need a bone graft before getting an implant?

If it has been some time since your extraction, you may need a bone graft before proceeding with an implant. Bone grafting is a straightforward procedure that involves introducing a bone matrix. This matrix provides a scaffold-like structure for the jaw to rebuild itself.

Why are implants better than removable dentures?

Removable dentures are less stable than implants. Implants are sturdier, easier to keep clean and feel just like natural teeth. Over time, the jaw may begin to break down where natural teeth are missing, leading to instability and fit problems for removable dentures.

Can I be sedated to receive dental implants?

Dental implant surgery is more manageable than people believe it to be. Sedation can help you relax through your procedure or make it feel shorter. Many patients prefer to be asleep for dental implant surgery, especially when replacing multiple teeth.

Call Braasch Oral Surgery

If you have hesitated to ask about dental implants for your missing or damaged teeth, don't wait. The sooner you replace your teeth, the sooner you can return to smiling, laughing, and eating what you like. Call our office at 603-657-1984 for more information or to make an appointment.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

404 Riverway Place, Building 4 Bedford, NH 03110
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